The eight main factors considered for this purpose are (1) Varna, (2) Vashya, (3)Tara, (4)Yoni, (5) Grah Maitri, (6) Gana, (7) Bhukta, (8) Nadi. All the eight factors have been allotted points based on there significance. The sum total of all these points determines the compatibility between two.
Here Varna refers to caste of the girl and boy. In old hindu tradition the varna's are divided into four categories. The boy and girl of the same varna or girl with higher varna is preferred. It contributes only 1 point to the sum total.
The vasya brings about mutual love and harmony and paves the way for happy union. This contributes 2 points in the total.
The tara factor, decides the adaptability of their birth stars. This is also sometimes referred to as the harmony of birth days. This enhances the health and longevity of the couple. This contributes 3 points in the total.
The yoni ensures correct matching of the sex organs of the couples for satisfactory mating. This contributes 4 points in the total.
It considers the relation of male planets to that of female planets. Whether they are friendly, neutral or enemy to each other. This ensures the better understanding between the husband and wife. This contributes 5 points in the total.
The Gana ensures steady and continous happiness for them. This is actually matching of human minds and temperaments. This contributes 6 points in the total.
The Bhukta decides the mutual understanding between the husband and wife. That helps them to exchange their ideas and strengthening the marriage bonds. This contributes 7 points in the total.
The Nadi which in medical terms mean pulse. So Nadi koota ensures health, longivity of the couple and happiness of the children. This contributes 8 points in the total
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